Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)

SOA enables the creation of end-user applications that operate independently of specific technologies. Applications are built by combining loosely coupled and interoperable services, which rely on definitions and common messaging to communicate, independent of the end application. This SOA architecture decreases the complexity of building the end application, thereby allowing the developer to focus on true application functionality instead of the intricate needs of a communication protocol.

To maximize your gain, a well designed and architected SOA foundation is critical. Our experts have real-world experience building and configuring the SOA Suite and Integrating B2B to support the development of common messaging environments, among various commercial, government and military system applications.

Our experts utilize best practices in the development and maintenance of Web Services and BPEL/ESB processes, and are able to incorporate SOA patterns to improve performance and reduce system maintenance.

Let our world-class SOA experts help you design and deploy your future computing environment.

About Us

GCS is a global IT and digital transformation solutions company that provides IT service solutions in the healthcare industry, life sciences, Finance, Oil & Gas, Tech, Telecom, diversified organization, and various government sectors. GCS also provide training and staffing services.

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Fax: 973-359-5965

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